Tragically, the scenario is all too common: you are with someone when suddenly he or she collapses, has no pulse, loses consciousness, gasps for air or may not be breathing at all.
Sudden cardiac arrest is the largest cause of death in Australia, taking the lives of around 33,000 Australians in the past 12 months alone. Often referred to as ‘sudden death’, cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating entirely.
You can treat heat stress, but prevention is even better. Here are five ways of helping prevent heat stress on the job this summer.
Here's how EGO Power+ stacks up in runnning costs against traditional petrol mowers.
The Australian climate can be harsh, particularly when we're physically active or being exposed to hot environments. Working in these conditions demands constant maintenance of your personal cooling system. If we don’t, we face the risk of heat stress, which in turn can lead to heat to heat illness, injury or even death.
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